How to Make the Perfect Tequila Cocktail

Tequila has earned the notoriety of a solid drink that is difficult to accept. Nothing could be further from reality. The correct tequila mixed drink can be a smooth and agreeable drink, idealize on a sweltering summer day. When you know your diverse sorts of tequilas, at that point it turns out to be anything but difficult to blend it into the ideal mixed drink. Fundamentally put, the more extended the maturing procedure, the darker the tequila. The darker the tequila, the smoother the taste. The less the additives, the less aftereffect you will have. No additives? No aftereffect. On the off chance that you aren't sure, flip around the jug and shake it: on the off chance that it bubbles, you will feel it tomorrow.

Clear Tequila (Blanco)

Clear tequila does not experience a maturing procedure. It is refined and packaged immediately. Disregard the tequila and lime shots! Despite the fact that it has a more grounded taste and bit of an after consume, it is extremely agreeable when blended into the correct tequila mixed drink. You need your pop or squeeze to be your fundamental fixing.

Juan Collins

• 1/2 ounces tequila

• 1 ounce lemon juice

• 1/2 ounce agave nectar

• 2 oz. club pop (or enough to top the glass)


• Pour the tequila, lemon juice, and nectar into a collins glass loaded with ice 3D shapes.

• Stir altogether.

• Top with club pop.

• Garnish with a citrus wedge.
